- 부영 제주호텔&리조트는 고객의소리에 항상 귀 기울이고 있습니다.
- 호텔 혹은 리조트를 이용하시면서 느끼셨던 소감을 이곳에 남겨주십시오.
- 보내주신 소중한 의견이나 문의하신 내용은 빠른 시간내에 고객님께서 접수하신 이메일 혹은 연락처로 안내해드립니다.
Agreement regarding collection and usage of personal information
Do you agree on notification of hotel’s products such as special event and service offers for the purpose of marketing and advertisement.
Purpose of collecting | Item | Period of retention |
To provide the chance to join the special event | Mobile Phone No. | From the date of agreement to collect to the withdrawl of membership |
* You may refuse to accept the above, but in case of refusal, the service will be limited.